on the weekend of jan. 19, molly and jackson headed up the pa turnpike once again, to celebrate sarah’s 8th birthday with a mini shopping spree at the k of p mall and to see the hylands’ great new house in flourtown (see jackson with “girlfriend” anna at right)!
while molly and jackson hung out with the barainyaks and hylands, dave and brooks stayed home to make some progress on the bedroom project. that’s finally done, with just some finishing touches on the decor to complete. watch the blog for photos and commentary when it’s all done!
as for our visit, we had a blast, as always. on saturday morning, mickey mouse pancakes for breakfast, and for lunch — mexican! the “grilled cheese” — also known as quesadillas — didn’t go over so hot with jacob and josh, but they got over it. beth and molly loved it at least! ole!
at the hylands, we helped anna try out her new, so cool stroller with a trip to starbucks and jackson let his mommy catch up with her good, old friends without too much interruption!
a great weekend, but when we returned home, all of us were hit with a nasty bug that took several days to get over. poor jackson — he’s been through the wringer. he’s feeling better now, but we’re going to lay low the next few weeks!