Jackson turned 7 on July 13th, and we celebrated with friends at a rainbow-theme art party at The Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center in Downtown Frederick!
The party began with an art project, naturally. Jackson chose the Klimt Trees project, which involved creating an abstract tree in the style of artist Gustav Klimt (famous especially for his work, “The Kiss”).
The young artists started by coloring a large sheet of paper with markers…
Then they cut out a tree shape to paste over top of the colorful background…
Next, they rolled paint on top of the entire creation. Once dry, the tree shape was peeled off to reveal a colorful, swirly tree. Then, the kids added glitter, sparkles, and other embellishments!
This was Phoebe’s finished tree – lots of purple and lots of glitter!
After working up an appetite creating art, the kids got down to eating!
We may have gone a wee bit overboard with the rainbow theme… but once we got started, it was hard to stop!
Each kid was allowed to fill a box at the candy bar as part of the goody bags.
And then it was time for cake! Molly and Phoebe had a great time putting together all the layers of the rainbow!
Happy 7th birthday, Jackson, and many, many more!