predictions of record-breaking snowfall, crippling the capitol region, came true. by our yardstick, about 32 inches fell on east church street from about 6 p.m., friday, through about 4 p.m., saturday. the snow came long and hard, quickly coating all our trees, our car, and even jackson’s basketball hoop in the backyard.
on friday night, dave and jackson took a long walk down church street to pick up friends roman and zach, then on to la paz for some mexican dinner. the place was packed! we think it was the only restaurant open.
dave also managed to get out early saturday on an adventure downtown, shooting photos for the gazette. you’ll see some of what he saw in the gallery below.
who knows how long the snow will stick around. it’s highly doubtful that school will be in session for at least a few days. molly’s getting ready to brush off her boots for a trek into work on monday, though. the news must be posted online!
for now, enjoy our photos. we’re thinking of printing up some t-shirts:”we survived snowmageddon 2010″. or: “snowpocalypse now, redux 2010”!
3 responses to “snowmageddon 2010”
I love to view these photos from the warmth of sunny south Florida. NO more snow for me.
Beautiful pictures of the snow! Get ready for the next storm coming on Tuesday night. Love you!
Great pictures of the snow! Get ready for more on Tuesday night!
Love you 🙂