it’s easter!

we were so lucky this year to have amazing, warm easter weather. usually, we’re all shivering and forced to wear winter clothes when we celebrate. but not this time! temperatures were in the 70s and 80s, so out came our bright, happy clothes! we joined molly’s whole family at the fitzgeralds’ house in eagle rock and at nana and pop pop’s house in conyngham for our celebrations. we had some wonderful food (you’ll see photos of molly’s homemade desserts — viscuits, or italian butter cookies, and 3-layer carrot cake) and some wonderful times hanging out with all the fellin cousins! thanks to aunt jill and aunt lynne for their efforts to put on another great egg hunt, and to aunt amy and pop pop for coming with us to the bowl arena for jackson’s first non-wii, real-life bowling game!

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